traduction texte sur la crise économique et la consommation des ménages


New Member
Bonjour, je suis en BTS MUC et j'aimerai que vous me m'aidiez à corriger mon expression qui concerne la crise économique et la consommation des ménages. Je vous met le textes que j'ai rédigé en Français et celui que j'ai traduit en Espagnol!

La crise économique dure depuis près de deux ans, elle touche toute la population confondue que se soit les riches ou les pauvres. Elle à changé les habitudes de consommation, en effet les ménages font plus attention à leur budget. Par exemple : ils diminuent les dépenses en loisir, en nourriture et comparent les prix pour faire des économies. Ils achètent leurs produits en promotions, leurs habits en solde et renonce à des besoins superflus. À cause de la crise et du changement d’attitude des consommateurs, les marques de luxe doivent affronter la diminution du pouvoir d’achat. Les clients dépensent moins et privilégient désormais des articles moins chers. Ils achètent aujourd’hui plus de produits bio et écologique, gaspille moins d’eau, d’électricité et surtout d’argent en achetant que l’essentiel. Mais certains ménages dont le revenu n’a pas diminué n’on pas changé leurs habitudes de consommation.

The economic crisis lasts since about two years, it affects all the population into account whether it is the rich or the poor. It changed consuming habits, indeed the households pay more attention on their budget. For example: they decrease the spending in leisure, in food and compare the prices to save. They buy their products in promotions, their sale clothes and give up superfluous needs. Because of the crisis and of the change of consumer attitude, luxury brands have to face the decrease of the purchasing power. The customers spend less and privilege from now on articles cheaper. They buy more organic and ecological products today, waste less water, electricity and especially of money by buying that the essential. But certain households in which the income didn’t decrease didn’t change their consumer habits.

Merciii d'avance!!


Best Member
Re : traduction texte sur la crise économique et la consommation des ménages

celui que j'ai traduit en Espagnol!

The economic crisis lasts since about two years, it affects all the population into account whether it is the rich or the poor. It changed consuming habits, indeed the households pay more attention on their budget. For example: they decrease the spending in leisure, in food and compare the prices to save. They buy their products in promotions, their sale clothes and give up superfluous needs. Because of the crisis and of the change of consumer attitude, luxury brands have to face the decrease of the purchasing power. The customers spend less and privilege from now on articles cheaper. They buy more organic and ecological products today, waste less water, electricity and especially of money by buying that the essential. But certain households in which the income didn’t decrease didn’t change their consumer habits.

Ah bin mince ! Je ne savais pas que je comprenais l'espagnol :laughing1:


New Member
Re : traduction texte sur la crise économique et la consommation des ménages

Oups!! Excusé moi! En Anglais!!
J'ai fait mon Espagnol avant l'Anglais alors j'ai mélangé.


New Member
Re : traduction texte sur la crise économique et la consommation des ménages

La première phrase n'est pas bonne il faut utiliser un autre temps, since n'a pas sa place ici il faut utiliser for car il s'agit d'une période et non d'une date ou d'un repère. Pay attention est suivi de la préposition "to"

une proposition vite fait :

It's two years since the econoimic crisis started (the economic crisis has started for years now), all walks of life have been affected that it be the rich or the poor (whether rich or poor everybody has been affected). Consumption habits have been impacted , as a matter of fact households pay more attention to their budgets. For example they cut down expenditure on leisure and food or in order to save money they shop around before buying. They take advantage of special offers, buy clothes at sale prices and avoid unnecessary needs.
Due to the crisis and the changing of consumer behaviour luxury brands have to face wages decrease. Customers tend to spend less money and give priority to cheaper items. They buy more organic and green products they use water and electricity carefully and above all they buy only the basics . However some households whose wages have been maintained have not changed their consumption behaviour
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