If you want to get better in english


New Member

Yes,I agree with tiger, you mustn't work all the day, if no you're going to have nothing in your head!!!!!!!!!!!

Take relax time

Reina :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:


New Member
:D Hi
i'm aurelie i live in toulouse
I would speak better because i begin my exam monday and i'm very stressed!!!!
can you help me to find vocabularies commercial to introduice my text !! please!!

i try to speak english because i don't have vocabularies and if someone reads my message can you give a answer in english i'm training!! :cry:


New Member

if you want to improve in english you have to send me some money

i can accept checks or credit cards

no problem

check or credit card ???
:lol: come on... (jeux de mots : comOn, come on... :arrow: z'avez capté ?)



New Member
:D very good but i don't have and you 're not a generous person
because you don't help people

please can you give me sentences or expressions to pass my exam?


New Member
choune a dit:
:D Hi
i'm aurelie i live in toulouse
I would speak better because i begin my exam monday and i'm very stressed!!!!
can you help me to find vocabularies commercial to introduice my text !! please!!

i try to speak english because i don't have vocabularies and if someone reads my message can you give a answer in english i'm training!! :cry:

what type of text do you have to introduce? the vocab that you use will depend on the text :wink:

p.s. vocabulary is always singular, e.g. "commercial vocabulary".
p.p.s. good luck with the exam
p.p.s. I'll give you a 20% discount off the price that ComOn is charging :lol:


New Member
choune a dit:
:D very good but i don't have and you 're not a generous person
because you don't help people

please can you give me sentences or expressions to pass my exam?

yeah no prob,

i can give you this for 40$ each sentences

sorry but... business is business


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