Can you Help me please ?!!!!!


New Member
Voilà je suis en train de faire ma présentation pour l'oral d'anglais que je passe mardi. Je suis très nulle en anglais alors je me suis beaucoup servi d'internet et je sais que le mot à mot c'est pas top mais je sais comment faire autrement alors pouvez vous me dire ce que je dois changer. Please:

Français :
Mon nom est Leslie et j’habite à Toulouse. J’ai 23 ans. Je suis née le quinze août 1983 à Toulouse. Je suis française. J’ai 2 s½urs, Chirstelle, 37 ans et Kathleen 26 ans. Ma mère est sans emploi et mon père est intermittent du spectacle, il monte les scènes de concerts. Je suis mariée depuis 2005. Mon mari s’appelle Noureddine il a 32 ans.

Après avoir obtenu mon bac pro en 2003, j’ai fais quelques petits boulot pendant 1 ans et demi. J’ai ensuite décidé de reprendre mon étude. J’ai choisis le BTS assistant de gestion pour la polyvalence de ce métier. J'ai choisis de faire cette formation en alternance pour acquérir de l'expérience professionnelle. En octobre 2004, j’ai intégré cette formation en travaillant chez CTRA.
CTRA est une entreprise spécialisée dans la chaudronnerie tuyauterie. Elle a été créée en 1967 par Richard Caruzzo, à Lyon. L’agence de Toulouse a ensuite été créée en 1970 par Jacques Guijarro. La société employait 700 personnes en France et dans une agence en Tunisie. En 2005, la société a du faire face à un redressement judicaire suite à de nombreux impayés. Elle a du licencier plus de 30 personnes. En janvier 2006, la société a été rachetée par le groupe Cofathec, filiale de gaz de France, dirigée par Marc Eliayan. L’agence de Toulouse s’appelle désormais ADF Midi-pyrénées et compte 85 salariés.
Mon travail au sein de CTRA était :
- l’accueil téléphonique et physique
- la saisie de courriers administratifs
- la gestion des fournitures de bureaux
- le suivi des intérimaires
- l’assistance du directeur d’agence
J’étais à l’entreprise 3 jours par semaine et les autres jours à l’école. Cela était difficile de tout suivre et de savoir ce qui ce faisait quand je n’étais pas là.
J’ai passé mon BTS en 2006 mais je ne l’ai pas obtenu. J’ai finis mon contrat de qualification le 31 août 2006, j’ai continué à travailler dans la société pendant 2 mois en intérim.
Le 2 novembre 2007, j’ai été embauché dans la société CTIC, elle aussi spécialisée dans la chaudronnerie tuyauterie, en tant qu’assistante de gestion.
CTIC a été créée en 1945 par Mr Clavel puis rachetée en 2003 par Mr Gueganton et Mr Moranne les actuels gérants. La société compte 9 salariés et est en pleine expansion. Elle a doublé son chiffre d’affaire en 2006 (1.5 millions d’euros).
Mon travail au sein de CTIC est :
- L’accueil téléphonique et physique
- Le règlement des fournisseurs
- La relance des clients
- La facturation
- La comptabilité
Mon poste au sein de cette entreprise est très polyvalent. J’apprends beaucoup de choses.
Mes directeurs attendent que je valide mon BTS pour faire évoluer mon poste et me donner plus de responsabilités.


My name is Leslie and I live in Toulouse. I’m twenty-three years old. I was born on August fifteen nineteen eighty-three in Toulouse. I’m French. I’ve got two sisters their names are Christelle, thirty-seven years old and Kathleen, twenty-six years old. My mother is a unemployed and my father is intermittent spectacle, he assembles the scenes in concerts. They are divorced since nineteen eighty seven. I am married with Noureddine since two thousand and five. My husband is thirty-two years old.
After having obtained my professional baccalaureate in two thousand and three, I have make some odd jobs during one year and half. I then decided to resume my studies. I chose the BTS Personnal Assistant for the versatility of the profession. I chose to make it study a day release vocational training to acquire of the professional experience. In October, 2004, I integrated this formation by working at CTRA.
CTRA is a company specialized in the boilermaking piping. It was created in 1967 by Richard Caruzzo, in Lyon. The agency of Toulouse was then created in 1970 by Jacques Guijarro. The society employed 700 persons on France and in an agency in Tunisia. In 2005, the company has of to face a recovery judicaire further to numerous outstanding payments. It lay off more than 30 persons. In January, 2006, the company was bought by the group Cofathec, the subsidiary of gas of France, steered by Marc Eliayan. The agency of Toulouse is now called ADF Midi-pyrénées and account 85 employees.
My work within CTRA was :
- the phone and physical reception
- the seizure of administrative mails
- the management of the stationery of offices(desks)
- the follow-up of the temporary workers
- the assistance of the director of agency
I was in the company three days a week and the other days at the school. It was difficult to follow everything and to know what it made when I was not there.
I passed my BTS in 2006 but I did not obtain it. I finished my contract of qualification on August 31st, 2006, I continued to work in the company during 2 months in interim.
On November 2nd, 2007, I was engaged in the company CTIC, it too specialized in the boilermaking piping, as Personnal Assistant.
CTIC was created in 1945 by Mr Clavel then bought back in 2003 by Mr Gueganton and Mr Moranne the current managers. The company account 9 employees and is rapidly growing. It doubled its figure of affair in 2006 (1.5 million euro).
My work within CTIC is :
- The phone and physical reception
- The payment of the suppliers
- Follows up It customers
- The invoicing
- The accounting
My post within this company is very general-purpose. I learn many things. My directors wait that I confirm my BTS to develop my post and give me more responsibilities.

Merci d'avance.


samialeslie link=topic=60376.msg624194#msg624194 date=1181304370 a dit:
Français :
Mon nom est Leslie et j’habite à Toulouse. J’ai 23 ans. Je suis née le quinze août 1983 à Toulouse. Je suis française. J’ai 2 s½urs, Chirstelle, 37 ans et Kathleen 26 ans. Ma mère est sans emploi et mon père est intermittent du spectacle, il monte les scènes de concerts. Je suis mariée depuis 2005. Mon mari s’appelle Noureddine il a 32 ans.


My name is Leslie and I live in Toulouse. I’m twenty-three years old. I was born on August fifteen nineteen eighty-three in Toulouse. I’m French. I’ve got two sisters their names are Christelle, thirty-seven years old and Kathleen, twenty-six years old. My mother is a unemployed and my father is intermittent spectacle, he assembles the scenes in concerts. They are divorced since nineteen eighty seven. I am married with Noureddine since two thousand and five. My husband is thirty-two years old. 

Donner l'âge de ton mari et le nom de tes soeurs je pense pas que ça soit utile  :unsure:

samialeslie link=topic=60376.msg624194#msg624194 date=1181304370 a dit:

My name is Leslie and I live in Toulouse. I’m twenty-three years old. I was born on August fifteen nineteen eighty-three in Toulouse. I’m French. I’ve got two sisters their names are Christelle, thirty-seven years old and Kathleen, twenty-six years old. My mother is a unemployed and my father is intermittent spectacle, he assembles the scenes in concerts. They are divorced since nineteen eighty seven. I am married with Noureddine since two thousand and five. My husband is thirty-two years old. 
After having obtained my professional baccalaureate  jsuis pas sûre que ça se dise in two thousand and three, I have make some odd jobs during one year and half. I then decided to resume my studies. I chose the  BTS Personnal Assistant for the versatility of the profession. I chose to make it study a day release vocational training to acquire of the professional experience. In October, 2004, I integrated this formation by working at CTRA.
CTRA is a company specialized in the boilermaking piping. It was created in 1967 by Richard Caruzzo, in Lyon. The agency of Toulouse was then created in 1970 by Jacques Guijarro. The society employed 700 persons on France and in an agency in Tunisia. In 2005, the company has of to face a recovery judicaire further to numerous outstanding payments. It lay off more than 30 persons. In January, 2006, the company was bought by the group Cofathec, the subsidiary of gas of France, steered by Marc Eliayan. The agency of Toulouse is now called ADF Midi-pyrénées and account 85 employees.
My work within CTRA was :
- the phone and physical reception
- the seizure of administrative mails
- the management of the stationery of offices(desks)
- the follow-up of the temporary workers
- the assistance of the director of agency
I was in the company three days a week and the other days at the school. It was difficult to follow everything and to know what it made when I was not there.
I passed my BTS in 2006 but I did not obtain it. I finished my contract of qualification on August 31st, 2006, I continued to work in the company during 2 months in interim.
On November 2nd, 2007, I was engaged in the company CTIC, it too specialized in the boilermaking piping, as Personnal Assistant.
CTIC was created in 1945 by Mr Clavel then bought back in 2003 by Mr Gueganton and Mr Moranne the current managers. The company account 9 employees and is rapidly growing. It doubled its figure of affair in 2006 (1.5 million euro).
My work within CTIC is :
- The phone and physical reception
- The payment of the suppliers
- Follows up It customers
- The invoicing
- The accounting
My post within this company is very general-purpose. I learn many things. My directors wait that I confirm my BTS to develop my post and give me more responsibilities.

Merci d'avance.

A part la première partie où tu parles de ta famille que je trouve inutile le reste me parait bien


New Member
Je pense que tu en dis beaucoup là. Pense que c'est sur le texte que tu vas être intérogée, et pas sur ta vie, ni sur l'âge de ton mari !!!
La plupart du temps la présentation est très courte (quand il y en a une!!!)


JB link=topic=60376.msg624200#msg624200 date=1181304921 a dit:
Je pense que tu en dis beaucoup là. Pense que c'est sur le texte que tu vas être intérogée, et pas sur ta vie, ni sur l'âge de ton mari !!!
La plupart du temps la présentation est très courte (quand il y en a une!!!)

Oui je suis d'accord avec JB. T'as pas besoin de dire qui a racheté la société, en quelle année etc. Tu te compliques la vie pour rien :happy: Perso il m'a interrogé même pas 2 min sur l'entreprise


New Member
Ok pour ma vie personnelle. Mais si vous voulez comme je suis très nulle en anglais l'an dernier je n'ai passé que 5 minutes même pas sur la présentation du texte donc il faut au moins que j'ai des choses à raconter sur le reste du temps.
Et l'an dernier il m'a demandé qui avait racheté l'entreprise et tout...
Sinon au niveau de la traduction c'est les bons mots vous pensez ?
Merci pour vos réponses :friend: :dacc:


moi à part "baccalaureate" je trouve ta traduction bonne  :happy:
samialeslie link=topic=60376.msg624194#msg624194 date=1181304370 a dit:

My name is Leslie and I live in Toulouse. I’m twenty-three years old. I was born on August fifteen nineteen eighty-three in Toulouse. I’m French. I’ve got two sisters their names are Christelle, thirty-seven years old and Kathleen, twenty-six years old. My mother is a unemployed and my father is intermittent spectacle, he assembles the scenes in concerts. They are divorced since nineteen eighty seven. I am married with Noureddine since two thousand and five. My husband is thirty-two years old. 
After having obtained my professional baccalaureate in two thousand and three, I have make some odd jobs during one year and half. I then decided to resume my studies. I chose the  BTS Personnal Assistant for the versatility of the profession. I chose to make it study a day release vocational training to acquire of the professional experience. In October, 2004, I integrated this formation by working at CTRA.
CTRA is a company specialized in the boilermaking piping. It was created in 1967 by Richard Caruzzo, in Lyon. The agency of Toulouse was then created in 1970 by Jacques Guijarro. The society employed 700 persons on France and in an agency in Tunisia. In 2005, the company has of to face a recovery judicaire further to numerous outstanding payments. It lay off more than 30 persons. In January, 2006, the company was bought by the group Cofathec, the subsidiary of gas of France, steered by Marc Eliayan. The agency of Toulouse is now called ADF Midi-pyrénées and account 85 employees.
My work within CTRA was :
- the phone and physical reception
- the seizure of administrative mails
- the management of the stationery of offices(desks)
- the follow-up of the temporary workers
- the assistance of the director of agency Agency's director
I was in the company three days a week and the other days at the school. It was difficult to follow everything and to know what it made when I was not there.
I passed my BTS in 2006 but I did not obtain it. I finished my contract of qualification on August 31st, 2006, I continued to work in the company during 2 months in interim.
On November 2nd, 2007, I was engaged in the company CTIC, it too specialized in the boilermaking piping, as Personnal Assistant.
CTIC was created in 1945 by Mr Clavel then bought back in 2003 by Mr Gueganton and Mr Moranne the current managers. The company account 9 employees and is rapidly growing. It doubled its figure of affair in 2006 (1.5 million euro).
My work within CTIC is :
- The phone and physical reception
- The payment of the suppliers
- Follows up It customers Remembers
- The invoicing
- The accounting
My post within this company is very general-purpose. I learn many things. My directors wait that I confirm my BTS to develop my post and give me more responsibilities.

Les "the" sont à enlever à mon sens . EN vert mes corrections


New Member
baccalauréat = A level in (spécialité)
BTS = HNC in (spécialité)
tu ne dis pas Bitiès, mais BTS en bon français, "the equivalent of HNC in..."


New Member
PLOUFINETTE link=topic=60376.msg624228#msg624228 date=1181306277 a dit:
moi à part "baccalaureate" je trouve ta traduction bonne  :happy:
Les "the" sont à enlever à mon sens . EN vert mes corrections
Merci Ploufinette :dacc: .
Le "remembers" c'est à la place de customers ou de toute la phrase ?


New Member
dick link=topic=60376.msg624230#msg624230 date=1181306361 a dit:
baccalauréat = A level in (spécialité)
BTS = HNC in (spécialité)
tu ne dis pas Bitiès, mais BTS en bon français, "the equivalent of HNC in..."
C'est vrai tu as raison moi je l'aurais dis comme ça mais comme j'avais pas trouvé de traduction... Merci :wink2: :dacc:


samialeslie link=topic=60376.msg624259#msg624259 date=1181307743 a dit:
Merci Ploufinette  :dacc: .
Le "remembers" c'est à la place de customers ou de toute la phrase ?
A la place de toute la phrase, c'est que mon prof m'avait dit  :happy:


New Member
Donc pour bac pro de vente je dis a level in sales
Parce que sinon j'avais trouvé ça Vocational high school diploma of sale ?

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