Anglais : America' Blue Collar Temps in a Ditch


New Member
Je dois repondre à des questions sur le texte "America' Blue Collar Temps in a Ditch" et je suis vraiment nulle en anglais.

quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider?
si quelqu'un veut le texte en entier, qu'il me fasse signe, je l'écrirais.

Les questions sont:
- Explain in your own words what Labor Ready's business consist in? (80 words)
- For what reasons is the company in trouble today? (80 words)
- Translate into french from "Another problem is that injuries..." (l.24) down to "... intentional misclassification" (l.31)


New Member
Je peux t'aider

J'ai un Deug Lea et pour le moment en BTS mes notes d'anglais sont bonnes si tu veux donne moi le texte en entiet et je te ferais des réponses!!!!


New Member
tu as besoin d'aide!!!!

J'ai également fait un Deug LEA et pour l'instant ma moyenne d'anglais est de 18. Si tu veux je peux t'aider mais pour ça il me faut le texte.

Moi j'adore l'anglais alors si tu as des questions ou que tu veux simplement t'entrainer à communiquer en anglais je suis là!!!!!!



New Member

Merci beaucoup.
Je dois rendre le travail vendredi 9 janvier.

Je te rappelle les questions:
- Explain in your own words what Labor Ready's consists in. (80 words)
- For what reasons is the company in trouble today? (80 words)
- translate into franch frome 'Another problem is that injuries...' down to '...intentional misclassification'.

voici le texte en anglais:


Amid the "new economy" of the 1990s, Glenn Welstad and John Coghlan made their mark in an age-old, bricks-and-mortar business. The company they built, Labor Ready, was quickly named the "McDonald's of day labor" and remains America's only national firm devoted to placing blue-collar temps. But like so many other successful companies, Labor Ready has fallen on hard times - and recession is only partly to blame.

The firm recruits workers from unemployment offices, homeless shelters and through word-of-mouth, then sells their labour at a market-up rate to public agencies and private companies, raging from tiny businesses to Wal-Mart. Workers typically get the minimum wage for hard physical labour: digging ditches, tossing boxes and performing unskilled, often dangerous construction work.

By 2000, Labor Ready had 700,000 temps on its books and annual revenues of almost 1 billion of dollar. Yet its profit margin, once 3.3% of sales, is now a paltry 1% and the firm's share price, over 24 dollars in 1996, has fallen to 5 dollars.

What went wrong? The recession has taken a big bite out of the firm's businness. To some extent, though, Labor Ready has been a victim of its own success, expolding from 200 branch offices in 1996 to more than 800 in 2001. Then in 1998, Labor Ready replaced most local sales staff with a centralised telemarketing system. In a business in which sucess depends largely on customer relations, this was not a smart move.

Labor Ready's troubles may suggest a more fundamental limitation of day labour. Even when demand is healthy, making profits at the bottom of the labour market can be tough. Agencies cannot price blue-collar labour much above the minimum wage. "Pick-a-shovel labour is and has always been a comodity. If agencies price it too high, the clients will say we'll do it ourselves," says Mr Gunther.

Another problem is that injuries are widespread in the job that Labor Ready's workers do.Some 10,000 of its temps were hurt while working last year. Workers' compensation can quickly eat into revenues. The firm's insurance costs rose sharply when auditors from Washingtonsate handed Labor Ready a 734,000 dollars bill for underpayement of preniums to the stae -run workers ' compensation system. The company is appealing but is under investigation, in twenty states, for alleged underpayments caused by misclassifying constructionjobs as clerical or other positions in which accidents are fewer and insurance rates lower. Company officials insist that there has been no intenttional misclassification.

At a time when the day-labour market has become fiercely competitive and overserved, Labor Ready's best days may be behind it.


New Member

1 Labor Ready is a temp ompany that is to say it has on the one hand applicants who are looking for a job and on the other hand, companies who are looking for workers.
When a company contact Labor Ready, Labor Ready's employees are in charge of founding a worker who will correspond to the company need.
So Labor Ready is a temp agency ( "agence d'intérim" ) wich put in relation workers and companies for temporary and specific jobs.

2 Labor Ready is in trouble today for two reasons.
On the one hand, it has been given a 734000 dollars bill by auditors from the washington state because it has not paid the premiums to the state-run workers' compensation system.
On the other hand, Labor Ready is under investigation in twenty state for misclassifying jobs. Th'at is to say That in order to decrease the insurance rates, Labor RTeady declared construction jobs as clerical jobs in wich accidents are fewer.

3 Les accidents de travail sont très courrants chez les employés de Labor Ready et c'est un problème.
Près de 10000 intérimaires ont été blessé au cours de leur travail l'année dernière. Les indemnités salariales peuvent rapidement empiéter sur les recettes. Pour cette entreprise, les coûts en assurance ont énormément augmentés lorsque les auditeurs de l'Etat de Washington ont donné une ammende de 734000 dollars à Labor Ready pour ne pas avoir verssé ses charges patronales à la caisse de recouvrement. La compagnie fait appel mais elle est mise en examan dans 20 états, pour erreur de classification: elle a fait baisser ses cotisations d'assurance en déclarant des emplois de construction en emplois de bureau ou autre, pour lesquels les accidents étant moins nombreux, le tarif d'assurance est plus faible. Les représantants de l'entreprise affirme qu'il n'y a eu aucune intention de truquer la classification.

Voilà c'est fait, en espérant que ça va t'être utile!!!!...... Tu sais que l'anglais en AD c'est beaucoup moins dure!!!!!

Si tu as des questions ou d'autres problèmes je suis là!!!

A +


New Member
et donner les reponses toutes faites cest pas super.
didou cest bien pour toi de vouloir aider mais est ce que ca va rendre vrt service le jour de lexam a cet etudiant!!!!

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