bonjour, quelqu'un peut il m'aider pour ce texte là :


New Member
bonjour, quelqu'un peut il m'aider pour ce texte là :

8m dissatisfied customers change banks
Alan O'Sullivan, This is Money
6 December 2007

Over 8m people have switched their bank so far this year due to dissatisfaction with its services and staff.
This represents twice as many customers compared with four years ago, yet antiquated legacy systems are preventing banks from dealing with the issue.

Across a range of industries, including mobile phone, internet and utility providers, Britain is the defection or 'churn' capital of the West, according to a nationwide survey by data provider Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software.

Although other industries have higher rates of defection, such as the mobile phone industry at just under 39%, the banking industry has the largest proportional increase in dissatisfied customers over the past four years.

The number of customers to change banks over the past year in the UK has been 8m or 18.3% of the market, up from the traditional average of under one in ten customers; the rate was just under 8% in 2003.

Across Europe, France has the most satisfied banking customers, with a defection rate of 16.6%, while the US has the highest at just over a quarter of all customers.

Approximately half of those surveyed said they changed because their bank was not recognising them as a valuable customer and due to its 'unhelpful staff'. Two fifths of bank customers also said that it used 'ineffective' call centres.

In general, customers want more personalised, informal contact from their bank, according to a second report released today from research group Coleman Parkes.

Two thirds of them have said, 'Banks are still too impersonal when communicating with me – they need to be more informal'.

Yet two thirds of those banks across Europe surveyed said that they cannot always access an individual's data in order to communicate with them one-on-one.

The survey showed that just under half of UK banks use call centres to communicate with their customers, although most plan to shift to more direct methods of contact such as online instant chat and digital TV over the next three years.

merci d'avance


New Member

qu'est ce que tu ne comprends pas exactement ? quest-ce quil faut que tu fasses ?


New Member

Un compte rendu ? un résumé ? de la traduction ?? explique nous le sujet et nous pourrons t'aider :happy:


New Member
Ok on a le texte mais efectivement pour pouvoir aider il faut savoir ce qu'il faut faire, ce que tu ne comprends pas... :arrow2:


Best Member
3 fois rien finalement !!!
Propose nous le "truc classique" que tu as fait et on se fera un plaisir de t'aider :cool:


New Member
Truc classique effectivement mais qui demande pas mal de temps quand meme...
Donc comme l'a dit Ico, fais nous une proposition et on te donnera nos avis sur les eventuelles choses a modifier. :wink2:
Nous ne sommes pas la non plus pour faire tout le travail a ta place.


New Member
Oui je suis d'accord! Nous ne sommes pas là pour faire le travail à la place des autres mais plutôt pour apporter des modifications, te proposer des éléments pour améliorer ton résumé. :happy:


New Member
en effet, il serai plus judicieux que tu nous apporte ta " création personnelle " , nous pourrons par la suite , te proposer des éléments , correction ... :wink2: