faire un compte rendu en anglais urgent


New Member
pouvez vous m'aider je n'arrive pas à faire . Merci .il faut faire un compte rendu d'un video vu en classe.
la prof elle avait donné sous forme de questionaire mais elle avait dit qu'il faut mettre dans l'ordre et faire un compte rendu.

the dangerous od advertising
1. watch the whole video once and guess upon the probable subject.
this document deals with weight and the profil made by ripping customers who want to lose weight.
2.what could hear and see?
we could see ads showing slim people eating humbergers, special belts, billbords showings people who have lost a lot of pounds, perfet bodies opposes to fat.
- what is the medium pointed here?
this medium pointed at here there are screens showing tv commercials.
3. who is the target? quote the journalist's word.
the people aimed at ove "over weight americans"
4. what are all these campaigns for? explain in your own words.
these campaigns are to have more buy products to lose weight without effort.
5. pick out at least two slogans :
"eat your favorite food and still lose weight "
"you can eat what you want and never ever have to diet again.
"the body definition you have always dreamed"
"stop dreaming and start eating"
"you want rock-hard abs without sweating at the gym for hours"
6.what did the authorities decide to do to reduce this profitable business?
a) the authorities make a list of warning"red flagaimed at customres"
b) the authoritis have sued companies who sell bogus products
c) the government is asking she me media to help weed out bad ads
7. what is the pessimistic conclusion of the journalist?
thes are still so many willing victims
which means :
even these ads are bad and the authoristies fight against that business , people still want to be victim

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Best Member
En général un compte rendu se fait sous cette forme :
- introduction (source, date) et on évoque le thème du sujet
- développement : idées principales (2/3 paragraphes)
- conclusion : on montre qu'on a compris le sens du texte + avis perso

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