Lettres de motivation en anglais


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Lettres de motivation en anglais --> exemple et technique

Alors d'après ce qu'il est écrit dans mon cours, la lettre de motivation doit comporter 4 paragraphes :
- Dire qu'on souhaite postuler et où on a vu l'annonce
- Expliquer pourquoi on est interessé par cet emploi et cette société
- Montrer ses compétences et connaissances qui correspondent au poste
- Indiquer son interêt à vouloir un entretien.

Voici un exemple de réponse à une offre d'emploi pour le poste de secrétaire trilingue :

Dear Mr/Mrs.....,

Further to the classified ad in the (nom du journal) of (date), I wish to apply for the position of tri-lingual secretary.

At the moment, I am working for an import-rxport company, where I deal with admnistration matters only. It has always been my attentin to work in a commercial environment and I should particularly like to be part of your firm, which I have long known and admired. You will be able to notice in my CV that the position suits both my personal desires and professional interests.

I acquired a good knowledge of exports markets as well as foreign languages such as french and German during my work experience. Your company is well known for its capacity to set up abroad and I am sure that my previous experience could meet your requirements. Though my experience in the commercial sector is less important, I attended a training to improve my knowledge, which took place 3 months ago. Moreover, I would very much enjoy working in a multi-lingual environment.

I should very much like to discuss my CV with you during an interview. Meanwhile, do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information. I look forward to heaaring from you soon.

Yours Sincerly,


J'espère que cet exemple pourra t'aider.

Bon courage en tous cas. :chessy:

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