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New Member
Bonjour à tous,

J'aurais besoin d'un petit coup de main sur ce texte car je n'arrive pas à en dégager les idées principales:

Business trips lose their sunny side

The US recession may have been grim for America's middle managers, but many are suffering a further indignity. Companies are increasingly adopting sofware that allows bosses to track their staff's travel plans, forcing them to fly with airlines they do not like and stay in cheaper hotel. Many managers are being told they cannot attend conferences in exotic resorts and to cut back on flying, and that instead they should contact clients via video conferences or even use the phone. Larry Ellison, chairman and chief executive of Oracle, the world's second-largest software group, said his company recently installed its own software and discovered that a disproportionate number of its executives were taking trips to conferences in NEW ZEALAND during the winter, a practice that was stopped. "We can now track expenditure every day in every country and spot trends much more quickly",he said. Ron Wohl, executive vice-president of applications development at the ompany, was able to cut travel and entertainment in his unit by 50 percent. The moves are part of a wider trend to contain travel spending as US companies adjust their cost bases to slowing sales. "There has already been a 15 to 20 percent declinein business travel," said Glenn Engel, analyst at Goldman Sachs. "Spending was falling before September 11, and took a further blow after the terrorist attacks. Fewer business people are making trips, and those that are boarding flights are paying less because travel policy is being more actively managed." A recent survey by American Express showed that average ticket prices had fallen 12-13 percent year on year, said Mr Engel. In recent weeks, mr Ellison at Oracle, Tom Siebel, chairman and chief executive of Siebel Systems, a rival software group, and James Morgan, chairman and chief executive of Applied Materials , the semi-conductor equipment maker, have all made sharp cuts in their travel budgets. "We have been using video and audio conferencing a lot more and that seems to work,"said Mr Morgan , adding that his company remained focused on its customers and would travel to meet them if necessary.

Merci de votre aide.


New Member
Alors personne n'est bon en anglais, il n'y a pas quelqu'un qui pourait m'aider svp :cry:


Le texte souligne un constat assez "classique" dans certaines entreprises tertiaires de dimension internationale ( ex des sociétés de software, telle Oracle dans ce document) : les frais logistiques pour les missions à l'étranger ( hébergement, restauration, déplacements) sont considérables, surtout au regard des nécessités objectives de l'activité : hotels de luxe, destinations exotiques, etc.
Et les cadres et commerciaux visés par des mesures nouvelles de "restriction" ( visioconférences, e work, etc.) supportent mal cette "économie" qui atteint leurs "cadres" de travail ... En fait, ils sont victimes de leurs démesures, - les drh et les directions financières ne tolèrent plus ces débordements à répétition...
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