Correction des fautes d'ortographe en anglais


New Member
Bonjour à tous !!

Je propose ce petit sujet pour que toute personne puisse y déposer son devoir afin que les autres le corrigent !!
Il n'est donc pas question de faire le travail les uns des autres, mais juste de corriger les fautes d'orthographe, d'expliquer les erreurs et surtout de les comprendre !!
Pourquoi pas y insérer des points de grammaire ou de conjugaison, ainsi que des notions de vocabulaire...

Je commence :)
Voici un compte-rendu de texte :


§1 After having resorted restructuring and downsizing, the American latest fashion consists in increasing the firms’ befits by employing an expensive humor consultant. This original kind of management expert helps employees to guffaw together.

§2 Indeed, roaring with laughter is known to be good not only at work, but also anywhere else,

§3 because it makes the employees feel good-humored by viewing hilarious TV shows, or management training videos bought from doctors specialized in laugher.

§4 Making fun of serious situations by criticizing some management techniques can thus help managers to improve themselves.

§5 Besides, it can also break the boss’s authority according to a specialist in yawning. Now he works on laughter and tries to define why we do it.

§6 Unlike comedy performances, laughter is above all spontaneous, that is why jokes are not necessary funny.
As a survey made by the professor PROVINE, 46 per cent of speakers laugh first than their audiences, what is unbelievable because it is against the logic.

§7 Therefore, thanks to his scientific investigation, laugher belongs to the annals of science.

§8 Laughter is contagious as it is explained through the six month Laugher Epidemic, the story of a hysterical and uncontrollable laugh which began with two girls.


Merci de bien vouloir corriger les fautes  :blush:

Voila, n'hésitez pas à déposer vos devoirs ou exercices à corriger !
Ca peut être un bon entrainement pour tout le monde  :happy:


New Member

§1 After having resorted restructuring and downsizing, the American latest fashion consists in increasing the firms’ befits by employing an expensive humor consultant. This original kind of management expert helps employees to guffaw (1) together.

§2 Indeed, roaring with laughter is known to be good not only at work, but also anywhere else,

§3 Because it makes the employees feel good-humored by viewing hilarious TV shows, or management training videos bought from doctors specialized in laugher.

§4 Making fun of serious situations by criticizing some management techniques can thus help managers to improve themselves.

§5 Besides, it can also break the boss’s authority according to a specialist in yawning (2). Now he works on laughter and tries to define why we do it.

§6 Unlike comedy performances, laughter is above all spontaneous, that is why jokes are not necessary funny.
As a survey made by the professor PROVINE, 46 per cent of speakers laugh first than their audiences, what is unbelievable because it is against the logic.

§7 Therefore, thanks to his scientific investigation, laugher belongs to the annals of science.

§8 Laughter is contagious as it is explained through the six months Laugher Epidemic, the story of a hysterical and uncontrollable laugh which began with two girls.


A part le "s" qui manquait dans le §8, rien à signaler ;)

J'ai pris la peine de relever des mots qui me sont inconnus et qui peuvent servir à d'autres, car peu courants :

(1) to guffaw : rire "fortement"
(2) yawning : bâillement


New Member
Cxielarkoknabo link=topic=77007.msg840891#msg840891 date=1203594871 a dit:
A part le "s" qui manquait dans le §8, rien à signaler ;)

J'ai pris la peine de relever des mots qui me sont inconnus et qui peuvent servir à d'autres, car peu courants :

(1) to guffaw : rire "fortement"
(2) yawning : bâillement

Oh la vilaine faute :blink: merci bien ^^
C'est une bonne idée d'avoir traduit le vocabulaire :)

N'hésitez pas à déposer vos devoirs !!! C'est toujours utile pour vous-même et le correcteur :)

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