Que pensez vous de ma présentation d'oral en anglais


New Member

Je repasse mon BTS en candidat libre et j'ai repris ma présentation de l'année dernière en la modifiant, Pourriez vous me dire si c'est correcte.

Merci d'avance
I prepared a personnel assistant for small or medium compagnies BTS in sandwichcourse with the company ....
Its activity is the sale ...
My activities was are the administrative fields : declaration of VAT and the commercial field : realisation of publicite.
I realised also actions to add value to the ... as creation a logo.
Actually, I work administrative assistant at .... I make the task and staff management of accountancy

je ne suis pas sure de la dernière phrase je voulais mettre que je faisais la gestion du perso et des tâches en compta.



New Member
I was in a sandwich-course in order to preparing a BTS Assistant of management SMEs for the company...

Its activity is the sale...

My activities in the firm were the administrive fiels : declaration of VAT and the commercial fields : policy of communication.

I realized many tasks to add value to the... like a creation of a logo. It permitted to me to improve and developp my skills.

Now, I am working as a personal assistant at... I am making accountancy tasks and management of the staff

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