Petite question sur présentation professionnelle BTS AG


Best Member
Voilà je repasse mon BTS AG cette année et j'aurais voulu savoir ce que je dois dire dans ma présentation orale car j'ai été en initiale la première année, en alternance la deuxième année, 6 mois en CDD de juillet à décembre 2007 et depuis je suis au chômage. L'année dernière j'ai été présenté en tant que scolaire vu que je n'ai pas fait 2 ans en alternance. Lors de mon oral l'année dernière, j'avais parler de l'entreprise où j'étais en alternance et que j'aillais rester chez eux d'où le CDD. Dons de quoi dois-je parler cette année ?


New Member
Il faut que tu explique brievement ton parcours sans pour autant rentré dans les détails... :cool:


Best Member
Ok et est-ce que c'est nécessaire que je parle de mon stage de première année aussi ?


Best Member
Voilà je passe demain, donc si personne ne me répond c'est pas grave, et je voulais savoir ce que vous pensez de ma présentation :

At the time of my first year of vocational training certificate, I carried out a training course in an estate agency located at Pierrefitte-sur-Seine in the 93. It was created in 1992 and its manager is Mr Milivoje DJORDJEVIC. It belongs to group FNAIM creates in 1946. In this agency, I assisted the secretary in his daily tasks such as the telephone reception and the drafting of legal documents.
For my second year, I preferred to continue in a sandwich course. I worked in a company of road transport which also makes storage and which is called Transéclair. She’s located at Gonesse in the 95. It was created in 1986 and form part of the Groupe Logistique Chevallier which to him was created in 1973 and whose seat is with Blangy-sur-Bresle in the 76. The manager of the Agency where I work is Mr Paris. Within this company, I had a post of commercial assistant. The tasks I preformed consisted in to the drafting of the mails, the seizure of the invoices and the assets, to answer requests for quotation, to make openings of clients' account on AS 400 and Internet, update of the commercial documents and the file customer. In these companies, I used the software contained in Pack Office and AS 400 which are the protected operating software in the world.
Last year, when I had passed my tests of this diploma, I was engaged in a fixed-term contract at Transéclair at the same station. I remained 6 months there, then having moved, I preferred not to renew a contract and devoted me to obtaining my diploma. At the end of the tests, I would like to find a post of commercial assistant in the environment of the real-estate business because I liked this environment at the time of my training course.
In conclusion, I was very glad to work in these companies which I will recommend to trainees. This professional experience enabled me to acquire autonomy, to insert me in the world of work and to put my competences into practice.

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